Our Family
My wife and I met as children while both our fathers attended the Pensacola Bible Institute. Later, we both attended and graduated from that same Bible school.
Shortly after graduating in the summer of 2014, we were married. While we waited for the Lord to confirm our calling to Spain, he blessed us with a daughter named Catalina.
In 2017 the Lord confirmed our calling to Spain and, we were able to start full-time deputation in May of 2018. The Lord again blessed our family in 2020 with a son named Justus.
In July 2022, after significant delays with our visas, we arrived in Spain.
Below are our brief testimonies of salvation and calling to Spain.

Justin Pizzo

I was saved on April 17th, 1996 after watching a Drawing Men to Christ video of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman’s sermon, A Letter from Hell. Growing up in a Christian home gave me a background in sound Bible teaching and preaching for my whole life.
Being raised in Bible Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL, I was also given a burden for foreign missions. By my late teens, after surrendering to the call to preach, the Lord started dealing directly with me about the country of Spain. This burden continued during and after my time at Pensacola Bible Institute.
After our marriage in 2014, the Lord had us wait on Him in Pensacola, FL. It was not until the beginning of 2017 that the Lord began to burden my heart again about Spain. In April of that year, I recommitted to the call. At the beginning of 2018, after a month-long stay in Barcelona, we began deputation.
We are humbled that the Lord would call us into full-time ministry, and we are excited to be in Spain and shed the light of the glorious gospel of Christ in the region around Barcelona.
Anna Pizzo

I grew up in a Christian home and came to know Christ at the age of four. My dad was a missionary to Cuba and as a result I have always had a burden for missions work.
When Justin told me he was praying about Spain I was overjoyed. The Lord has used several verses to confirm this calling in our life but I think the greatest of these is Psalms 45:10 which he gave me on our survey trip there in 2015.
It is a humbling thought to think the Lord would allow me the opportunity to serve him as a missionary and a help to Justin, but I am very grateful!

Letter Of Recommendation
Dear Pastor,
This letter is to recommend Justin Pizzo for your consideration of support as a missionary to the field of Spain. I have known Justin almost his whole life as he has literally grown up in this church.
Brother Pizzo graduated from the Pensacola Bible Institute in 2014 and was an excellent student. He has been a consistent soul winning witness and hard worker the whole time that I have known him. We have talked numerous times about his burden to reach Roman Catholic Spain and I believe that burden has turned into a calling after much prayer and searching out the will of God.
Justin took a survey trip back in 2015 and has continued to work toward reaching the goal of getting over to Spain, and I pray that you will be able to help support this young man in his efforts to win the lost of Spain.
His wife is in complete submission to this call and will be a help to him as a missionary on a foreign field, willing to give up the comforts of America.
If there are any questions, or if I can be of any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at the church address or phone.
Sincerely in Christ Jesus,
Brian Donovan
Pastor Brian Donovan